Quantum Aerospace Research Institute

QSNet Program (The QSAT Network)

QSAT Network (QSNet) is a research program developed by QAS in collaboration with EXA and its international partners. The QSAT Network (QSNet) research program focuses on the implementation of a global quantum key distribution (QKD) system for the evolution towards a “Cyber-secure Internet” through a satellite network with CubeSats in low orbit around the earth.

This infrastructure will also become the cornerstone for the distribution of “secure communications” at the interplanetary level.

You can read more about this research program in the links below:

BioNet Program

QAS actively participates in the Ecuadorian Civil Space Program (ESP) of the EXA, and we are closely involved with its Manned Space Program (MSP), in which our Scientific Director, Mr. Jaime Jaramillo F. is part of it as a crew member.

The BioNet research program is oriented to the sensing, processing, storage and analysis of the biometric variables of the crew members of the EXA’s LATCOSMOS-C suborbital missions.

The results of the “Data Science” of these variables will be the basis for generating improvements in crew training, and the possibility of generating medical advances to counteract the effects of G Forces in suborbital trips.


The EXA’s manned LATCOSMOS-C missions that will take one citizen from each country of the American continent into space open up the possibility of establishing a permanent program of scientific research in microgravity for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Each EXA suborbital flight will open the possibility for schools, universities, research centers and research groups to send payloads into space.

QAS will provide advice and support to researchers to carry out this task, from the conceptual design to the flight and recovery of the experiment.

The selection of the experiments will be done through the IAF-GRULAC website


ETHER Program

The ETHER program is oriented to the research and development of propulsion by means of quantum vacuum, and the research on the theory of inertia as an effect of the interaction of mass with the quantum vacuum.

The implications of this research program will be echoed at the level of complex cosmological theories.